Every woman dreams of the day when that magic medicine will be made that will make the symptoms of menopause go away. While there is no magic pill, there are plenty of different menopause treatments that are available. It has taken more than 30 years for science to develop many ways to alleviate the pain and stress of menopause. There are more treatments that are little known including herbal or natural roots, and plants and their derivatives that can also help alleviate symptoms. Just to name a few here are some ideas to try.Controlling the symptoms of menopause can be a huge irritation in the gluteus maximus. Literal pain in the posterior is a fact during menopause. Innovative treatments have come a long way in the last 30 years. There was a time when women did not know what to do for their menopause symptoms. Now there are all sorts of treatments and remedies that can help a woman to ease her suffering. Keep in mind that, because each woman goes through menopause differently, there are no tried and true remedies for symptoms. Many of the available treatment methods do prove effective for many. The following available treatments are definately worth exploring.The term menopause is definately not associated with words like party, happiness, or joy. There are a number of symptoms that can be overwhelming. The results of some treatments can be slow to show or non existent at all. People who have no idea what they are talking about may offer you advice. You have moments when you'd like to scream at the top of your lungs "just leave me alone". After all, irritability is one of the symptoms of menopause that you are dealing with! Without a doubt we are all thankfull for the treatment options available now.

If one does not work, you can try another. Hopefully, the following information will bring to light an option you haven't tried yet.Every woman has a different way of dealing with menopause. Some try to fight the effects medicinally. Some women choose herbs to fight the symptoms. Other women try to combat their menopause symptoms with changes in their lifestyles. There are even some women who do their best to pretend that they are not going through menopause and they don't do anything for their symptoms. There is no reason that a woman has to suffer through the symptoms of menopause unless she decides not to treat them. There are a lot of different menopause treatments available to the women who want them. Unfortunately there is no single absolute menopause treatment because every woman has a different menopause experience. Still, here are some of the most popular treatments that you can choose from today.Figuring out the best way to treat your menopause can be very frustrating. You probably have a bunch of friends who have all found remedies that work for them. It's possible that they are trying to push their treatments on to you. Try to remind yourself that they mean well. They just want to help you feel better. Unfortunately not every menopause treatment works for every woman. This is because all women go through menopause differently. What worked really well for your friend probably will not work as well for you (and the other way around). A doctor is a good person to talk to when you need help dealing with your symptoms. Here are some things your doctor might recommend.

Forget the ice cubes in the underwear, simply dress in lightweight clothing and get regular exercise. Dressing appropriately can help you minimize the stress of a hot flash and cool down quickly. Exercise is proven to increase necessary endorphin production allowing you to remain in controll of your emotions during hot flashes. Hot flashe causes that can be identified as having a trigger cause have been reported by women nation wide. Once you have identified your hot flash triggers, stay away from them. Women should avoid alcohol, spicy food, warm beverages, and increases in temperature.One symptom of menopause most women complain about the most, vaginal dryness, can be treated with vaginal estrogen. In particular, this treatment can help decrease the discomfort a menopausal woman might experience during sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is largely decreased with this method of treatment. Some people have even reported that this treatment has helped them with urinary tract symptoms as well. Much like birth control the estrogen hormone can be administered in cream, tablet and ring forms. A medical professional can advise you as to whether or not this is the right treatment for you.Utilize the values of food rich in phytoestrogens. Many foods contain estrogens known as phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens come in the form of isoflavones and lignans. Fruits and vegetables are only a few of the foods containing lignans.

Isoflavones are found in soy beans, legumes and chickpeas. Women who prefer not to use hormone replacement therapy should choose these foods. Tests have shown some promise as far as phytoestrogens are concerned but there is no solid proof that they can completely replace hormones. Treatment results are not absolute. There are reports of diminished symptoms with menopause treatmnt. Hormone therapy has also been reported to diminish these symptoms.Thirty minutes of moderate exercise are needed every day. Even if you don't want to believe it, menopause can be treated with regular exercise. Aerobic exercise is also a great fighter against aging diseases like cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Exercise also elevates your mood and can help you sleep better at night. Endorphins help you feel better which makes it easier to fight against the symptoms of menopause. Exercise is also an incredibly effective stress reliever.Work on your pelvic floor to make it stronger. Most of the discomfort and physical symptoms you will feel are going to radiate from your pelvic area so having a strong pelvic floor can help you alleviate some of those symptoms. Your doctor will probably suggest kegel exercises every day--the same exercises you did to prepare for giving birth. If you have a problem with incontinence these exercises will also help with that. You want to ensure that your muscles "down there" are in good shape because that will help you make sure that your pelvic area is as healthy as it can be. Against popular belief sexual activity is an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms. Heads up guys! Hallelujah! Fewer complaints of discomfort and pain are reported in women who admit having sexual relations more than twice per week. If you allow your lack of sex drive to keep you from having sex for too long you will likely experience pain when you do have sex and may also experience more vaginal dryness. Maintaining a healthy sexual activity level will decrease these symptoms. If you are more than uncomfortable during sexual activity you should consult a physcian for alternative treatment possibilities.

You have already likely heard from your doctor his opinion on beginning hormone therapy during menopause to help alleviate symptoms. Tell your doctor all of your symptoms and how bad they really are in order for him to recommend the right dosages of hormone treatment. The most effective therapy is estrogen therapy. This usually comes in the form of oral medications or injections that one can get at a doctor's office during a regular visit. The frequency and severity of your symptoms will of course play a role in how your treatment is prescribed. Your best friends medication might not be right for you, consult your doctor before agreeing to take meds of any kind. If you decide you might like to try hormone therapy discuss it with your doctor first.

Vitamin E intake should be increased during menopause.

Vitamin E is always good for you. A dose of Vitamin E on a regular basis can reduce the intensity of Hot flashes. As with most herbal remedies, studies on this menopause treatment remain largely inconclusive. It is best to ingest Vitamin E via food sources. Dietary Vitamin E supplements are more difficult for your system to digest.

Treating menopause can easily be done, believe it or not, through regular yoga practice. Studies have proven that women who regularly practice yoga do not have as many hot flashes. Regular yoga can also help to reduce just how intense a woman's hot flashes might be. Perhaps the main reason that doctors and health professionals think yoga is a great menopause treatment is that, in addition to helping the body get healthy, it raises a woman's spirits.It should go without writing but to keep everything covered and spelled out: a healthy and balanced diet really is an effective menopause treatment. Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet will help you keep your whole body healthy. Obviously the needs of a woman who has is going through menopause are different than the needs of a woman who has yet to experience the change. The calcium intake of a woman who is going through and has gone through menopause is going to be higher than a woman who hasn't "changed" yet. If you want to keep osteoporosis at bay and keep your bone density levels up, doctors say you should get at least 1200mgs of calcium. Some studies will show you that Saw Palmetto would be a tremendous help.

Ensure proper amounts of time for rest. Doctors recommend menopausal women get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night. Getting enough rest will help you deal with mood swings and energy level fluctuations during the day. Exercising just before bed is a bad idea and not recommended to menopausal women, however, a regular exercise routine and decreased caffeine intake are highly recommended to increase the liklihood of sleep. If you do these two things you are more likely to get the rest you need. How easy is it to overlook such a simple treatment as sleepAnti-depressants can do wonders to prevent some signs of menopause. Studies show that using anti-depressants during menopause can be sketchy because of the chemistry alterations of the brain. Your physcian will likely start you on a low dose of these types of medications. The severity of your hot flashes may be diminished with the use of low dose anti-depressants. This has also been shown to improve mood and irritation levels. Staying in touch with your physcian regulary will help you determine if this treatment is right for you. The first several weeks may not show alot of results because it takes time for these treatments to develop a medication level high enough to maintain your system. They need time to show any real change in moods or behaviors.Black cohosh is a controversial treatment for menopause. Symptom severity has been said to be greatly diminished by using black cohosh.

Studies have shown, however, that taken over a long period of time, black cohosh can have some very serious side effects like nausea, headaches, dizziness, problems with one's vision and even heart issues. You should make sure you discuss use of this method with your doctor prior to inception. To avoid the above side effects do not take black cohosh for more than six months.Visit your doctor often. Getting a physical once a year is not enough for women going through menopause. You should see your doctor at least every few months. This way your doctor will be well informed about your symptoms, the types of treatments you are experimenting with and whether those treatments are working. This also allows your doctor to keep tabs on any medications you may be taking to treat your menopause pharmaceutically. Regular pap smears; lipid level tests and other screeners can also help your doctor catch conditions as they develop. This prove to be very beneficial if you start to show signs of aging issues or other kinds of disease.Obviously, if you are going through menopause you should not smoke. Heck, you should not smoke at any time in your life. While quitting smoking can often add to an increase in irritability levels, over all, quitting nicotine is an incredibly helpful menopause treatment. Women who don't smoke don't get as many hot flashes. Women who do smoke will start menopause earlier than those who don't. So toss out those cigarettes! If you think you might need treatment for menopause you should talk to your medical provider to ensure proper health. Alot of the signs of menopause can be treated without the aid of pharmaceuticals. There are also drugs and hormone therapy that may be necessary in some cases. Every woman is different. This is why it is important to talk over your options with a health care professional. Solo is not the way to go. There are support groups available if you do the research.

There are many types of treatments for just about ever symptom of menopause. No two menopause experiences will be the same. It can be difficult to determine whether or not treatment is even necessary for each case. Treatment for menopause can make you feel isolated from your peers if you let it. With all of the treatments available you are more likely to survive menopause with your sanity intact.

Your health depends on the decisions you make, make smart ones. Don't run out and buy a bunch of supplements and herbal remedies without first talking to your doctor. It is highly recommended that your doctor be the first to know when you are considering trying any new treatment for your menopause symptoms. Remember it may feel like you are alone but you are not.

At some point in every woman's life she will experience this "change". Use the resources available in your community to obtain the support you desire. The best medicine is often a dry shoulder to cry on.

There is no way to universally treat menopause. There isn't a single treatment that will help all menopausal women. Lots of women choose to mix medicinal, herbal and lifestyle menopause treatments to help them cope with all of the symptoms of their "life changes." Other women choose only one form of treatment. There are also women who insist that menopause is not happening to them. You will choose the right treatment for yourself. Just make sure that all of the menopause treatments that you want to try are ran past your doctor. Don't try anything without a health professional's approval. You could accidentally do more harm to yourself than good.There are a lot of variables in treating menopause. A menopause treatment that worked wonderfully for all of the women you know might not work for you at all. This is why, especially if your symptoms are hard to handle, you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you figure out menopause treatments that you can do naturally through lifestyle changes or pharmaceutically through hormone replacement therapy. It might take some time but you will figure out the best method of treating your menopause.